20 Things I Learned at 20

Nineteen to twenty is a big leap. I still can’t believe that I’m finally joining the young adulthood club. I’m not a teen anymore? It won’t sink in. I still love watching cartoons. I still would love to buy all we bare bears items in Miniso. I still (and will always) need my mom to prepare my sandwich for baon, to take care of me when I have dysmenorrhea and for other decision making in life. But I’m not complaining that I turned a year older tho. I’m just not ready yet but I know I have to.

So far, 20 years living in this world was fulfilling. It feels great to wake up on the day of your 20th birthday, still breathing, still alive and kickin’ and still blessed! For 2 decades, I’ve learned quite few things that changed my perspective in life. Lessons from other people, from experiences and from self.

I hope you will also learn a thing or two! πŸ™‚

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